NASA will launch a mission in 2020 that explores, among other things, black holes. Four unanswered questions are asked about black holes. The first question is what happens inside black holes. Theories about what might happened mention. The next question is whether black holes are hairy? This relates to the information paradox about black holes […]
Posts with videos covering the subject of UFOs by Ufologists (of credible reputation hopefully).
Solar Eclipse 101 | National Geographic
There are four types of eclipses. The most sought after is the total eclipse. This occurs when the new moon completely covers the sun. There are precautions that need to be taken when viewing a total eclipse. You can not look directly at a total eclipse without eye protection as it can permanently damage your […]
The Race to a Habitable Exoplanet – Time Warp Challenge | Space Time
Faster than light travel implies, and actually necessitates time travel Today’s challenge is a race to save a close-by exoplanet. You will explain how you can win that race, and during this process you will see that faster than light travel is time travel. To do this task you need to review the Lorentz transformation […]
Crashing Into Saturn: This Cassini Mission Is the Most Epic Yet | Short Film Showcase
This short film shows a study of Saturn which is the sixth planet in the solar system. People like it because of its lovely rings. It is a gas planet. The rings are made of ice, dust, and other space junk but they are pretty. Saturn also has at least one moon which could be […]
Made in Space: 3-D Printing Could Change the Way Astronauts Travel | Short Film Showcase
3-D printing can change the way that astronauts travel. Everything that we put into space came from our planet. The minute that we can manufacture things from space, the whole game will be changed. We tend to think of billionaires and rich people being the people that influence our progress, but it is not like […]
As Corey Goode Secret Space Program Claims go Viral Critics Step up Attacks
Corey Goode Secret Space Program Corey Goode made headlines in 2014 claiming that he worked with several top secret government space programs and has been involved with contact with Alien life. He has appeared on Ancient Aliens and has been the main source of information in two popular books. His latest video however, has sharpened […]
The Scary Truth. Government lie to us
Fearing for the future of the United States, former Canadian Minister of National Defense Paul Hellyer considers inside threats to the United States from within by summarizing his book “Money Mafia.” After seven decades of conspiracy, he argues for a connection between Operation Paperclip, UFOs, and an undemocratic group that controls ideas, technology, and money […]
The Future of Space Travel: Fusion Engines, Warp Drives, and Wormholes
The future of space travel is a very bright one. In the future, there could be some really interesting ways that we get around the galaxy. The laws of physics set some constraints on what we can and cannot do. But that does not change the fact that we will be able to do some […]
Quantum Gravity and Gravitons: The Search for a Theory of Everything
In this descriptive analysis of Quantum gravity and gravitations, Mr. Dave explains how fermions and bosons work in our universe while providing an accurate description of Quantum theory and General relativity theory. And while both theories would theoretically work hand in hand, they do not seem to be compatible. The video does a phenomenal job […]
Paul LaViolette – Electrogravitics & UFO propulsion
Electrogravitics and UFO propulsion are two very complex matters. There are many testimonies from people and it had to do with the Disclosure Project. The clean free renewable energy field is a very important one and will be vital to our future on this planet. There is a lot of valuable information in the Disclosure […]