Introduction Setting the Stage: The Roswell Incident In the annals of UFO lore, few events have captured the public imagination as profoundly as the Roswell Incident of 1947. It all began when a mysterious object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Initial reports suggested the recovery of a “flying disc,” but the […]
Disclosure can involve the disclosure of many things. Disclosure is required when injustices of any kind are being perpetuated against individuals or humanity as a whole.
Human Right Violations require constant disclosure. Discrimination due to race, creed, belief system or ideology, social status, income status is ramped her on Earth. All forms of discrimination require disclosure.
Here at Taming Gravity we want to disclose all sides of the story of the possibility of Taming Gravity.
We can see the reasons for holding back from the world the possibility of Taming Gravity immediately after Word War II and during the Cold War.
However, I am pretty sure the the force of Evolution is an unstoppable force. We cannot stop the growth of human ingenuity and technology.
Humanity will find a way around any Black Budget programs of any kind in spite of their efforts to keep such possible technology buried deep in compartmentalized Black Budget programs or through deadly threats.
The best way to change any trend in society is through education, through the verifying process of science and technology!
So, we here at Taming Gravity hope to serve the purpose of providing an educational platform for the disclosure of the science instead of the fiction behind the possibility of Taming Gravity.
Close Encounters of the Seventh Kind (CE7) – “Human/Alien Hybrids”
Introduction Exploring the Concept of CE7 The classification of UFO encounters has evolved significantly since astronomer and ufologist Dr. J. Allen Hynek first introduced the concept in the 1970s. While Hynek’s scale originally included Close Encounters of the First, Second, and Third Kind, the lexicon has expanded to include more nuanced types of interactions between […]
Close Encounters Nocturnal Lights
Introduction The Enigma of Nocturnal Lights and UFOs The night sky has long been a canvas for the human imagination, dotted with stars and planets, comets and meteors. But among these celestial bodies, there are phenomena that defy easy explanation: nocturnal lights that move with purpose and unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that challenge our understanding […]
Close Encounters of the First Kind
A Little Historical Introduction to “Close Encounters of the First Kind” (CE1) A “Close Encounter of the First Kind” refers to a classification of UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) encounters wherein a person witnesses an unidentified object in the sky at a distance of less than 500 feet (approximately 150 meters). This classification does not involve […]
Archive: “Breaking the Law of Gravity” – By Charles Platt – Wired
Breaking the Law of Gravity CHARLES PLATT 03.01.1998 12:00 PM Skeptics had a field day when a scientist claimed in 1996 that gravity could be negated. Now his findings are being investigated in laboratories worldwide. In 1996, Russian émigré scientist Eugene Podkletnov was about to publish a peer-reviewed article in the respected British Journal of […]
Disclaimer – on Taming Gravity Curated Content
TAMING GRAVITY CURATED CONTENT DISCLAIMER: Here at Taming Gravity our interest is in finding the possible science instead of the obvious fiction behind the possibility of taming gravity or the UFO subject. The only thing we except here at Taming Gravity is that they are there and visiting here, as Michio Kaku asserts. And the […]
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind
Understanding CE-5: Comprehensive Guide to Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (CE-5) is an intriguing and controversial subject that stands at the intersection of ufology, psychology, and speculative philosophy. The term has been widely disseminated by Dr. Steven M. Greer and refers to human-initiated, direct contact with extraterrestrial life […]
Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind
Understanding Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind (CE4): Evolution, Current Research, and Future Outlook The term “Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind” was an extension of the classification system developed by astronomer and UFO researcher Dr. J. Allen Hynek. Initially, Hynek’s system included Close Encounters of the First, Second, and Third Kinds, which were encounters […]
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3): From Fringe Theory to Interdisciplinary Study—An In-Depth Analysis and Future Predictions Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3), a term that sounds almost cinematic, has captivated human imagination since its inception, acting as a touchstone for our collective consciousness about what might exist beyond our home planet. While […]
Close Encounters of the Sixth Kind
Understanding Close Encounters of the Sixth Kind (CE6): Exploring Theories, Skepticism, and Legal Implications – A Comprehensive Guide Introduction: Understanding the Complexities of Close Encounters of the Sixth Kind (CE6) Close Encounters of the Sixth Kind (CE6) are among the most controversial and least understood categories of UFO experiences. Characterized by interactions that result in […]