Our planetary system still has some mysteries unanswered, but in general, there aren’t many of them left. One of the most puzzling questions is the existence of a cold planet, large in sizes, beyond the orbit of Neptune. The belief in its existence stem from the behavior of objects whose orbits are close together. […]
Taming Gravity is all about the possibility through science and technology to harness gravity. If we accomplish this we will then have the means to travel to the stars.
Of course, to do this we will need to know a little bit about astronomy.
So, here at Taming Gravity we include inspiring news and breakthroughs happening in the field of astronomy.
Fastest orbiting asteroid found in our solar system
We have now found the faster orbiting asteroid in our solar system. Currently it takes around 113 days for a full rotation around the sun. This small asteroid is only .6 miles in size. It gets so close to the sun that its temperatures reach 900 degrees F. Due to this it is thought that […]
How radio astronomy put new eyes on the cosmos
During the 1930s, engineer Karl Jansky was the first person to discover radio radiation coming from interstellar space, and Grote Reber built the world’s first dedicated radio telescope in his yard. After the war, the field expanded, and major discoveries starting occurring. Interstellar molecules, quasars and pulsars were all discovered by radio telescopes. A radio […]