How America’s Crumbling Systems May Be a Prelude to a Secret Technological “Rescue” The Infrastructure Crisis and the Black Budget Agenda: Setting the Stage America’s infrastructure is often portrayed as the backbone of national progress—a vast network of roads, bridges, power grids, and communication systems that enable the country to function at its highest […]

Taming Gravity features articles and posts supporting the idea that gravity can be tamed.
The Unstoppable Inspiration of Dr. Ning Li (RIP)
Dr. Ning Li was a bold woman with a scientific mind who wasn’t afraid to think outside of the box. She was already well-known in the academic community for her work on anti-gravity, but her work has been spotlighted by the general public now with the 2017 US Navy’s disclosure of UAFs – Unidentified Aerial […]
The Tiny Giants of Space Tech: How Nanomaterials Are Building Better Spacecraft
Introduction to Nanomaterials in Space Technology Defining Nanomaterials Nanomaterials are materials engineered at the nanoscale, typically between 1 and 100 nanometers. To put this into perspective, a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter, which is about 100,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. At this scale, materials exhibit unique properties that […]
Reverse Engineered Alien Technology? by AlienScientist (Revisited)
What Powers a UFO? Here at Taming Gravity we are trying to find the science instead of the fiction behind the possibility of traveling to the stars or taming gravity. One individual in the UFO community Physicist Jeremy Rys; (alias, YouTuber “AlienScientist”) has consistently presenting genuine insights into how technology that can travel to the […]
National Geographic Documentary 2015 Alien Engineering NEW UFOs File
Even before the big disclosure by the US Navy back in 2017 many institutions were willing to dabble in the UFO subject. Why wouldn’t they? If there was enough of a public interest in the subject and it would bring ratings to an invested media institution like National Geographic’s they obviously we’re not going to […]
The Fabric of the Cosmos: Understanding Space-Time and the Universe
Introduction to Space-Time and the Universe Defining Space-Time Space-time is a four-dimensional continuum that fuses the three dimensions of space with the one dimension of time into a single interwoven fabric. This concept, which is central to modern physics, was revolutionized by Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. In this framework, space and time are […]
The Physics of Propulsion: Innovations Poised to Change Space Travel
Introduction to Propulsion Definition and Importance Propulsion is the mechanism by which a vehicle is moved forward. In the context of aerospace engineering, propulsion systems are critical for the operation of aircraft and spacecraft. These systems generate the necessary thrust to overcome drag and gravity, enabling vehicles to achieve and maintain flight. The importance […]
Elevating Space Access: The Reality of Space Elevators
Introduction to Space Elevators Definition and Concept A space elevator, also known as a space bridge, star ladder, or orbital lift, is a proposed type of planet-to-space transportation system. The primary component of a space elevator is a cable, or tether, anchored to the Earth’s surface near the equator and extending into space. The […]
The Big Bang Theory: The Dawn of the Cosmos
Introduction to the Big Bang Theory Overview of the Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory is the prevailing cosmological model that describes the early development of the Universe. According to this theory, the Universe began as an extremely hot and dense point approximately 13.8 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since. […]
Beyond Roswell: Unveiling the Truth Behind Government UFO Secrecy
Introduction Setting the Stage: The Roswell Incident In the annals of UFO lore, few events have captured the public imagination as profoundly as the Roswell Incident of 1947. It all began when a mysterious object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Initial reports suggested the recovery of a “flying disc,” but the […]