Secret agreements have been made between an Earth Alliance of space-faring nations and extraterrestrial organizations, with major disclosures about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life expected in 2023. These disclosures are part of a plan to accelerate official acknowledgment of these phenomena. Insiders also suggest that ancient underground civilizations will begin to reveal themselves in the same year. The US Congress has given protection to whistleblowers to reveal information about UFOs to the newly created All Domain Anomalous Resolution Office. Public discontent over various global issues is leading to a collapse of the Deep State control system, which could facilitate these major disclosures. Dr. Michael Salla will host a webinar in February 2023 to discuss these changes and the unfolding disclosure plan.
Key Takeaways:
- Secret agreements between an Earth Alliance and extraterrestrial organizations are set to reveal the existence of secret space programs and alien life in 2023.
- Ancient underground civilizations are planning to reveal themselves in 2023, along with the awakening of giants in stasis chambers, and the return of the Enki faction of the Anunnaki, which will have significant implications for disclosure.
- The collapse of the Deep State control system, driven by growing public discontent, will facilitate major disclosures about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life in 2023.
“Secret deals have been struck between an Earth Alliance of space faring nations and extraterrestrial organizations for major disclosures to happen in 2023, concerning the existence of secret space programs and extraterrestrial life. Senior military and government officials are participating in clandestine meetings being held in highly classified facilities, the news of which is being released as part of a plan to accelerate official disclosure.”
More details: here
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