Kentish Town filmmaker Jasdip Sagar recently attached a “UFO detector” to a red sports car in Camden Town as part of an upcoming documentary, Reel Encounters. The film explores the efforts people make to find evidence of extra-terrestrial life. The detector, a colorful flashing device, was created by Vince jo-Nes, founder of the music and clothing shop Cyber Dog in Camden Town.
Jo-Nes explained that the detector is based on the concept that UFOs can cause electrical disturbances when they get close to cars or computers. He mentioned a UFO sighting near Primrose Hill that was reported on the US Department of Defense website, adding that the film is drawing attention to the possibility that we are not alone in the universe.
The filming of a scene with the UFO detector-equipped car driving into Camden High Street attracted considerable attention from passers-by, many of whom made jokes referencing the movie Back to the Future. The film features many prominent figures from Camden, including UFO abductees, a time-traveler, psychonauts, tantric goddesses, cyber punks, and a psychic spy.
Sagar, who also creates special effects for Hollywood films, mentioned that the documentary initially mocks UFO believers but gradually adopts a more believing tone. The film includes interviews with jo-Nes and others who claim to have had experiences with UFOs.
Key Takeaways:
- Filmmaker Jasdip Sagar is creating a documentary called ‘Reel Encounters’ that explores the lengths people go to find evidence of extraterrestrial life, including using a “UFO detector” mounted on a car in Camden Town.
- The “UFO detector” was developed by Vince jo-Nes, founder of the Cyber Dog shop in Camden Town, who claims that the device’s electronics are affected by the presence of UFOs.
- Sagar’s film initially mocks UFO believers but gradually presents a more sympathetic view, reflecting his own increasing belief in the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
“Kentish Town filmmaker Jasdip Sagar strapped a “UFO detector” to the top of a red sports car in Hawley Crescent last Wednesday night as part of his soon-to-be released documentary, Reel Encounters. The film is charting the lengths people go to in the search for evidence for extra-terrestrial life.”
More details: here
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