Fearing for the future of the United States, former Canadian Minister of National Defense Paul Hellyer considers inside threats to the United States from within by summarizing his book “Money Mafia.” After seven decades of conspiracy, he argues for a connection between Operation Paperclip, UFOs, and an undemocratic group that controls ideas, technology, and money in secrecy through banking, corporate, intelligence organizations, and more. The theories proposed include far-reaching claims about the nature of national and world-governing bodies while consistently protesting possible disinformation being used to distract and confuse the population of the US and those abroad.
Key Takeaways:
- A former ministry of Canada has written a book entitled, The Money Mafia, a World in Crisis.
- He purports that much of the observable chaos in the US is strictly the fault of a small and powerful and wealthy few that are manipulating things behind the scenes.
- He further asserts that the veil of secrecy, surrounding the actions of this few, has been going on neigh seven decades.
“The government does not always tell us the truth; much is hidden right in front of our eyes.”
~Comments always welcome…
- Paul T. Hellyer.com
- Curious (YouTube Channel)
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