Many people have claimed that they’ve seen UFOs in the past and the government is finally acknowledging those people. However, many people who believe they’ve seen UFO’s aren’t completely satisfied with the government’s report. The report came out and said that the findings were inconclusive and more research needed to be done. 144 reports of unidentified aerial phenomena’ between 2004 and 2021 were studied and there just wasn’t enough data to make a conclusive conclusion. More research will be done in the future however.
Key Takeaways:
- UFOs are being rebranded as unidentified aerial phenomenons and they are becoming more popular than ever before.
- We have seen more stories recently about pilots and military personnel claiming that they have come in contact with these unidentified objects.
- There has even been a change in the US government’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program which is now called the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.
“Last year, wheels were put in motion on the UFO front. The government’s secretive Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was relaunched under a new name, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.”
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