Unraveling the Cosmic Veil: A Journey Beyond Mainstream Narratives In the ever-evolving quest for truth, Corey Goode’s secret space program claims have not only ignited public curiosity but also sparked intense debates across various platforms. The recent article on Taming Gravity, “As Corey Goode Secret Space Program Claims go Viral Critics Step up Attacks,” […]
"UFOlogy is the array of subject matter and activities associated with an interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs). UFOs have been subject to various investigations over the years by governments, independent groups, and scientists."
You are considered a Ufologists if you have an interest in UFOlogy.
The Scary Truth. Government lie to us
Fearing for the future of the United States, former Canadian Minister of National Defense Paul Hellyer considers inside threats to the United States from within by summarizing his book “Money Mafia.” After seven decades of conspiracy, he argues for a connection between Operation Paperclip, UFOs, and an undemocratic group that controls ideas, technology, and money […]
Monsignor Corrado Balducci and the UFO Phenomenon
Faith, Extraterrestrials, and the Meaning Behind “Neither Angels Nor Demons Need Flying Saucers” Introduction Monsignor Corrado Balducci (1923–2008) remains one of the Catholic Church’s most intriguing figures when it comes to bridging the gap between traditional theology and modern enigmas, such as the UFO phenomenon. Renowned as a theologian, exorcist, and Vatican expert, Balducci […]
Paul LaViolette – Electrogravitics & UFO propulsion
Electrogravitics and UFO propulsion are two very complex matters. There are many testimonies from people and it had to do with the Disclosure Project. The clean free renewable energy field is a very important one and will be vital to our future on this planet. There is a lot of valuable information in the Disclosure […]
An interview with the author of UFOs Today – 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-Up
An interview with Irina McCammon Scott PhD., author of “UFOs Today” UFO’s are one of the biggest mysteries that this planet has. Everyone wants to know about them and if there are any cover ups for some reason. One man who is very close to this subject talks about the 70 years of lies and […]
Disclosure OR Unacknowledged; Which Will It Be!
The video is about Dr. Steven Greer’s recent movie called, “Unacknowledged.” It’s a documentary that documents the lies and the cover ups by the FBI about, “Flying Saucers” and “E.T. visitations.” The documentary works to expose the truth about what they are hiding and there are documents and proof that “Extra Terrestrial” beings exist. It […]
Scary Grey Alien Abduction Case
A narrated collection of narrative, testimony, and unverified research, the viewer encounters first the curious case of a possible alien encounter between a couple in New Hampshire and a mysterious sighting of lights. As the video continues to present and illustrate potential encounters with beings from another world that possibly study and experiment on humans, […]
Secrets & lies, UFO Documentary
Based in previous episodes the narrator makes the conclusion that UFO’s as defined by humans exist and are piloted by extraterrestrial life. These pilots could be beings that are concerned for our welfare or they may be taking organic substances from kidnapping humans. Many civilizations have messages about life in the stars. Much of the […]
Aerospace Executive ‘Absolutely Convinced’ There Are Aliens on Earth
Robert Bigelow is pioneering designs from inflatable space habitats. But he’s also spending millions of dollars researching extraterrestrial existence. He is convinced that there is a presence of alien life already on the planet, and there has been for some time. He doesn’t mind that people may doubt him, because his convictions are strong enough […]
5 Things That Will Happen When Aliens Arrive
Steven Hawkins believes alien life exists outside of earth. He also doesn’t believe it would be good if they discover us before we discover them. The pentagon even put out a list of what we would do if we encountered aliens and we assume that they would come up with a similar plan. The aliens […]