Much to the disappointment of scientists and alien enthusiasts, there is simply no evidence for advanced life from other planets. However, due the vastness of the universe and the number of stars, it seems highly likely that such life does exist somewhere. So why haven’t we found it? The Fermi Paradox seeks to explain […]
"Science is the the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment." - Definition
Interest in the field of science that may have something to do with Taming Gravity!
Unraveling the Mysteries of Space-Time: A Beginner’s Guide
Introduction to Space-Time What is Space-Time? Space-time is a concept that merges the three dimensions of space (length, width, and height) with the fourth dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum. This framework allows us to understand how objects and events are positioned and interact within the universe. Imagine space-time as a fabric […]
Experiment suggests potatoes really will grow on Mars
An experiment suggests that potatoes will actually grow on Mars. There was an experiment done that showed how a potato could thrive in an atmosphere like Mars. The results so far are very positive. The potato is already a very adaptive vegetable and Mars is a rough environment. It is an exciting time. Key Takeaways: […]
The Race to a Habitable Exoplanet – Time Warp Challenge | Space Time
If you travel faster than the speed of light, you can actually travel back in time. Breaking the cosmic speed limit, does not only allow time to be reversed, it actually demands it. The speed of light is very fast and being able to travel faster than it is nearly impossible. Time travel is an […]
Are ghost ships real? – Peter B. Campbell
Some people may wonder if ghost ships are real. There have been many reports of ghost ships being seen. There is no way to find out that they are real, but the stories are definitely real and we can gain a lot from them. Ghost ships have fueled the fire behind many stories. There could […]
Jack Garman, Whose Judgment Call Saved Moon Landing, Dies at 72
When we think of the moments that make history, we think of the people who were in the spotlight. It is too easy to overlook those in the background who also made the event possible. Such is the case of Jack Garman, who was an engineer for NASA in 1969 when the U.S. made its […]
Jill Tarter – Why aren’t Aliens Already Here?
If there are billions of galaxies and planets to be accounted for in the universe, why would aliens not already visit our planet and why would they not be here? Jill Tarter, an expert, discusses why it might be conceivable that aliens must already be among us. It just makes sense. Key Takeaways: If there […]
George Smoot – Why does Dark Matter Really Matter?
What is dark matter and why does it matter to us? George Smoot, an expert, discusses the use of this matter and its importance to us in earth. This mass makes up one quarter of all the mass energy in the universe and is the glue that allows the universe to be held together. Key […]
United States gravity control propulsion research – Wikipedia
During the 1950’s, the United States invested heavily in gravity control propulsion research, or the study of how to harness gravity and make anti-gravity devices. Much of this research has been attributed to conspiracy theories about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the visitation of unidentified flying objects from space. Key Takeaways: Literature from that […]
Saul Perlmutter – Why does Dark Matter Really Matter?
George Smoot discusses the study of “Dark Matter”. Smoot describes differences between dark matter and ordinary matter, namely that dark matter expands and cools more rapidly than ordinary matter. He theorizes this dark matter, which has been identified because of its gravitational force, takes the form of a cosmic web that is instrumental in forming […]