Crash Course: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction to Crash Course Crash Course is an educational YouTube channel that offers high-quality, free educational videos on a wide array of subjects. Founded by the Green brothers, John and Hank Green, the channel was part of YouTube’s original channel initiative, which launched in 2012. The channel aims to make […]
"Science is the the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment." - Definition
Interest in the field of science that may have something to do with Taming Gravity!
Exoplanets: Crash Course Astronomy #27
Discovering New Worlds: Exoplanets Explored in Crash Course Astronomy Welcome to another deep dive into the cosmos! Today, we’re exploring an engaging episode from the PBS YouTube Channel’s “Crash Course” series. The video titled “Exoplanets: Crash Course Astronomy #27” offers an enlightening look into the fascinating world of exoplanets. Let’s unpack the key points and […]
Earth’s core is leaking scientists suggest after making baffling discovery in lava
A recent study on lava deposits in northern Canada suggests that the Earth’s core may be leaking. The rocks from Baffin Island contain higher levels of the isotope helium-3 and a higher ratio of helium-3 to helium-4 than any other location on Earth’s surface. Helium-3 is a rare, primordial nuclide that has been present in […]
Chicxulub asteroid impact created 2-year cloud of dust that may have killed the dinosaurs
A large asteroid that hit Earth near Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula 66 million years ago led to a global winter causing the mass extinction of dinosaurs. The asteroid didn’t kill all the dinosaurs instantly, but triggered a gradual extinction of species. Scientists generally agree that the Chicxulub impact wiped out 75% of all species on Earth, […]
The Researcher Who Would Teach Machines to Be Fair
The speaker began studying fairness in machine learning after teaching a course on the topic and giving a talk about the moral questions that underlie the technical definitions of fairness. They argue that there is no single statistical criterion that can capture all the desired attributes of fairness. They also discuss the misuse of the […]
You Can Use This Silly Game to Do Some Serious Physics
The online game promoting the book “What If? 2” by Randall Munroe, author of the xkcd comics, is a simple space simulator that can also be used to explore key concepts in physics. The game begins with a rocket on a small planet, and players can use keyboard arrows to start the rocket, rotate the […]
Edition 7: Dr. Jack Sarfatti on the Physics and Politics of the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO (Part 2)
Dr. Jack Sarfatti, a physicist with over half a century of experience, claims to have conceptually solved the physics behind the “tic-tac” low-power warp drive, as reported in the Stardrive Report interview. He compares his theoretical understanding to the early theories of nuclear fission before the Manhattan Project materialized the atomic bomb. Sarfatti believes that […]
Edition 8: Dr. Jack Sarfatti on the latest ‘Tic Tac’ metamaterial stargate-stardrive research (Part 3)
Dr. Jack Sarfatti, a physicist, has been making significant progress in his research on gravity manipulation, which has attracted the attention of various European research groups, particularly one in Italy led by Gaetano Bottini. This group, hoping to be funded, consists of a consortium of Italian universities, an engineering firm specializing in metamaterial research, and […]
Explorations into the Pious Effect and Unification
Introduction to the Pious Effect and Unification Overview of the Pious Effect The term “Pious Effect” refers to a transformative movement within the realm of science and philosophy, inspired by the historical figure Louis the Pious and his vision of an empire unified under a singular idea. This concept extends beyond the historical context, symbolizing […]
Edition 1: Dr. Jack Sarfatti on the Physics of the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO (Part 1)
The discussion centers around the ongoing interest of the U.S. government in UFOs, despite officially ceasing investigations in 1969. The focus is on the physics behind the extraordinary maneuvers of UFOs, which surpass known terrestrial technology. Physicist Jack Sarfatti, with a background in quantum physics and consciousness research, is at the forefront of exploring these […]