The Definition and History of False Flags UFOHUB interviews Richard Dolan a Historic Writer who caught the UFO bug about 25 years ago. Since then, Richard Dolan has applied his research and writing skills to the history of the UFO subject. One of the main aspects of this subject are the conspiracies of Government secrecy, […]

Roswell is the number 1 location identified with a possible UFO crash site. Roswell here is the tag represent all possible crash site locations.
Phil Schneider Documentary of truth about Aliens & UFO’s & our Government
A man named Phil Schneider has a documentary about the truth of aliens and UFO’s. He has many years of experience working in government projects that require a level 3 security clearance. As a government engineer and geologist, he worked in the black projects that were done underground at Area 51 and a couple other […]
UFO / crosstiewalkers / Project Serpo 1.2
Project Serpo is actually an alleged story that involved a planet that is called Serpo. There were certain undercover enthusiasts that released the whole story at They wanted everybody in the world to know the truth behind what was going on. The story has not been confirmed though, but that does not mean it […]
Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel
Len Kasten relates Project Serpo There is a very strange UFO story that has hit the internet. Len Kasten’s personal encounter with the UFO phenomena lead him to come across the Serpo story. The Project Serpo story is about the supposedly exchange program between Earth and the Eben (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) from the planet Serpo. […]
Roswell conspiracy theory ‘expert’ claims UFO crash DID happen… and says a leaked US government document she’s seen proves it
If you’d like to take a step back from the harsh realities of the world in which we live with the political strife, racial tensions, and ‘us vs them’ mentality with the police and find something that can bring us all together, look no further. The ultimate ‘us vs them’ is being discussed again, and […]
The Scary Truth. Government lie to us
Fearing for the future of the United States, former Canadian Minister of National Defense Paul Hellyer considers inside threats to the United States from within by summarizing his book “Money Mafia.” After seven decades of conspiracy, he argues for a connection between Operation Paperclip, UFOs, and an undemocratic group that controls ideas, technology, and money […]
Scary Grey Alien Abduction Case
A narrated collection of narrative, testimony, and unverified research, the viewer encounters first the curious case of a possible alien encounter between a couple in New Hampshire and a mysterious sighting of lights. As the video continues to present and illustrate potential encounters with beings from another world that possibly study and experiment on humans, […]
Secrets & lies, UFO Documentary
Based in previous episodes the narrator makes the conclusion that UFO’s as defined by humans exist and are piloted by extraterrestrial life. These pilots could be beings that are concerned for our welfare or they may be taking organic substances from kidnapping humans. Many civilizations have messages about life in the stars. Much of the […]
Bob Lazar – Warping Gravity Propulsion
Bob Lazar goes fully in depth in this documentary on his interpretation on the gravity propulsion systems he used while in his time in the united states government top secret programs and his explanation as to why there is definite proof that there is life outside of earth. His story dives into further for his […]
UFO Hunters: Unspoken Secrets of Area 51 (S2, E13) | Full Episode | History
The Universe is full of mysteries. In the grand scope of things, are we truly alone? Many would argue that we’ve been visited by extraterrestrials in the past. Some would even argue that aliens walk amongst us. Over the years countless pieces of UFO evidence have made their way to the surface and it’s about […]