What Powers a UFO? Here at Taming Gravity we are trying to find the science instead of the fiction behind the possibility of traveling to the stars or taming gravity. One individual in the UFO community Physicist Jeremy Rys; (alias, YouTuber “AlienScientist”) has consistently presenting genuine insights into how technology that can travel to the […]

Warp Drive Realities: Separating Science Fiction from Science Fact
Introduction to Warp Drive Concepts Historical Background of Faster-than-Light Travel The concept of faster-than-light (FTL) travel has long fascinated humanity, dating back to early science fiction literature. The idea that one could traverse vast cosmic distances in a matter of moments has been a staple of imaginative storytelling. Early 20th-century writers like H.G. Wells […]
Pentagon Forced to Disclose Existence of UFOs(?)
Our Science and Technological Breakthroughs May Be Forcing the Pentagon to Disclose UFOs Exist! I am not talking about the recent Pentagon Report for the Senate. I am talking about Black Budget programs having to deal with our own planet’s indigenous evolution in science and technologies forcing their hand to start their own disclosure. Let […]
Bob Lazar / Taming Gravity / Zeta Reticuli Aliens
The Bob Lazar Story and Zeta Reticuli Aliens Bob Lazar brought the world to Area 51 and its infamous Zeta Reticuli Alien technology back engineering program at S4 area. Most everyone has heard of Bob Lazar and his story of having working at a above top secret black budget back engineering Zeta Reticuli Alien technology […]
Secret Journey to Planet Serpo: A True Story of Interplanetary Travel
Len Kasten relates Project Serpo There is a very strange UFO story that has hit the internet. Len Kasten’s personal encounter with the UFO phenomena lead him to come across the Serpo story. The Project Serpo story is about the supposedly exchange program between Earth and the Eben (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) from the planet Serpo. […]
The Future of Space Travel: Fusion Engines, Warp Drives, and Wormholes
The future of space travel is a very bright one. In the future, there could be some really interesting ways that we get around the galaxy. The laws of physics set some constraints on what we can and cannot do. But that does not change the fact that we will be able to do some […]
Paul LaViolette – Electrogravitics & UFO propulsion
Electrogravitics and UFO propulsion are two very complex matters. There are many testimonies from people and it had to do with the Disclosure Project. The clean free renewable energy field is a very important one and will be vital to our future on this planet. There is a lot of valuable information in the Disclosure […]
Revolutionizing Space Travel: The Latest in Spacecraft Engineering
Introduction to Spacecraft Engineering Historical Context and Evolution Spacecraft engineering has a rich history that dates back to the early 20th century. The field began with the pioneering work of visionaries like Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Robert H. Goddard, and Hermann Oberth, who laid the theoretical foundations for modern rocketry. The launch of Sputnik 1 by […]
Breaking the Light Barrier: Exploring FTL Travel Concepts
Introduction to Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Travel Defining FTL Travel Faster-Than-Light (FTL) travel refers to the theoretical concept of moving or transmitting information at speeds exceeding the speed of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second (186,282 miles per second). In the realm of physics, this speed is considered the ultimate speed […]
5 REAL Possibilities for Interstellar Travel | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios
What will it take for humans to attain interstellar travel? There are some things to consider when attempting to reach interstellar travel. What type of energy are we going to use? We must find a fuel with maximum energy density. First option rocket fuel-the use of rocket fuels that have propelled humans to space so […]