Secret agreements have been made between an Earth Alliance of space-faring nations and extraterrestrial organizations, with major disclosures about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life expected in 2023. These disclosures are part of a plan to accelerate official acknowledgment of these phenomena. Insiders also suggest that ancient underground civilizations will begin to reveal themselves in […]
Disclosure can involve the disclosure of many things. Disclosure is required when injustices of any kind are being perpetuated against individuals or humanity as a whole.
Human Right Violations require constant disclosure. Discrimination due to race, creed, belief system or ideology, social status, income status is ramped her on Earth. All forms of discrimination require disclosure.
Here at Taming Gravity we want to disclose all sides of the story of the possibility of Taming Gravity.
We can see the reasons for holding back from the world the possibility of Taming Gravity immediately after Word War II and during the Cold War.
However, I am pretty sure the the force of Evolution is an unstoppable force. We cannot stop the growth of human ingenuity and technology.
Humanity will find a way around any Black Budget programs of any kind in spite of their efforts to keep such possible technology buried deep in compartmentalized Black Budget programs or through deadly threats.
The best way to change any trend in society is through education, through the verifying process of science and technology!
So, we here at Taming Gravity hope to serve the purpose of providing an educational platform for the disclosure of the science instead of the fiction behind the possibility of Taming Gravity.
New official US government UFO report released, and sightings are way up
The United States’ Office of the Director of National Intelligence has released its 2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). The report reveals that there have been 366 additional UAP reports since the 2021 Annual Report, which had recorded 144 instances over the previous 17 years. Of these new reports, 26 were identified as […]
Opinion: The Pentagon’s long hunt for UFOs – CNN
The US Office of the Director of National Intelligence recently released a report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), or UFOs, as part of a new initiative by the US intelligence community and the Pentagon. This effort aims to make sense of over 500 UFO sightings, mostly reported by US service personnel, over the past few […]
Time Travel: Unraveling the Mysteries of Moving Through Time
Exploring the Science, Possibilities, and Challenges Behind Traversing Temporal Dimensions Introduction Time travel has fascinated humans for centuries. From mythological accounts of gods manipulating time to the modern portrayal of time machines in science fiction, the concept of moving through time has captivated our imagination. But beyond fiction, time travel holds a deeper allure—its […]
Exploring the Energies Behind Artificial Black Hole Propulsion and Faster-Than-Light Travel
Understanding the Theoretical Forces Needed to Create Artificial Black Holes to Travewl Beyond the Speed of Light Creating an artificial black hole capable of faster-than-light (FTL) travel is a concept that straddles the realms of theoretical physics and speculative science fiction. While current scientific understanding prohibits any object with mass from exceeding the speed […]
Where are we on UFOs and national security?
The recent report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) has sparked widespread interest, but its brevity and lack of definitive conclusions have left many disappointed. The report, which is only five pages long, confirms the existence of UAPs but offers five potential explanations, none of which explicitly mention extraterrestrial life. The report suggests that these phenomena […]
Decoding UFO Movements: The Role of Artificial Gravity in Unexplained Phenomena
How Advanced Gravity Manipulation Could Explain the Extraordinary Maneuvers and Behaviors of UFOs Artificial gravity, a concept tied to the manipulation of gravitational fields, provides a compelling framework to explain many of the extraordinary physical behaviors observed in UFO sightings. By understanding how advanced technologies could generate or manipulate gravity, we can hypothesize mechanisms […]
Rhode Island is not ready to talk about UFOs, but Eric Smith is – The Boston Globe
Eric Smith, a former field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network in Rhode Island, has documented hundreds of cases of unexplained phenomena in the state, including a close encounter between two fishermen and 20 bluish glowing humanoid figures. The incident, which took place 25 years ago, is one of many unexplained events in Rhode Island, […]
A Real UFO Expert Recommends 7 Trustworthy Docs To Watch After Netflix’s ‘Encounters’
The fascination with unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the possibility of extraterrestrial life has gripped humanity for over 75 years. Netflix’s new four-part docu-series, “Encounters,” aims to explore this fascination from a human perspective, focusing on individuals who claim to have firsthand experiences with these phenomena. The series, backed by director Yon Motskin and Steven […]
A UFO Story Told to Me
Bob Jones work at Area 51 Underground Base I am starting this with a disclaimer here since it is secondhand information. I personally heard it from the person claiming this information to be true, that he experienced all that is said here in this post. But as second hand you will have to take […]