UFO & UAP Close Encounters UFOs, or “Unidentified Flying Objects,” and UAPs, or “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,” have been the subject of great intrigue and speculation for many decades. To categorize different types of encounters with these phenomena, the term “Close Encounters” was introduced by Dr. J. Allen Hynek. He was an American astronomer, professor, and […]
Disclosure can involve the disclosure of many things. Disclosure is required when injustices of any kind are being perpetuated against individuals or humanity as a whole.
Human Right Violations require constant disclosure. Discrimination due to race, creed, belief system or ideology, social status, income status is ramped her on Earth. All forms of discrimination require disclosure.
Here at Taming Gravity we want to disclose all sides of the story of the possibility of Taming Gravity.
We can see the reasons for holding back from the world the possibility of Taming Gravity immediately after Word War II and during the Cold War.
However, I am pretty sure the the force of Evolution is an unstoppable force. We cannot stop the growth of human ingenuity and technology.
Humanity will find a way around any Black Budget programs of any kind in spite of their efforts to keep such possible technology buried deep in compartmentalized Black Budget programs or through deadly threats.
The best way to change any trend in society is through education, through the verifying process of science and technology!
So, we here at Taming Gravity hope to serve the purpose of providing an educational platform for the disclosure of the science instead of the fiction behind the possibility of Taming Gravity.
Archive Articles from Prominent News Sources on the Possibility of Taming Gravity Taming Gravity offers a collection of popular articles from prominent News sources including popular magazines, news papers, websites and the like. We call it our Archive collection or Archive for short. These articles are archived here for a few reasons: These articles longer […]