Astronomers have created a video using over two decades of data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, revealing the expansion of a stellar eruption that occurred around 180 years ago. The eruption, known as Eta Carinae, involves a star system containing two massive stars. The explosion, referred to as the “Great Eruption,” is thought to have […]
Taming Gravity is all about the possibility through science and technology to harness gravity. If we accomplish this we will then have the means to travel to the stars.
Of course, to do this will involve knowledge of astrophysics.
So, here at Taming Gravity we include inspiring news and breakthroughs happening in the field of astrophysics.
Time Travel: Unraveling the Mysteries of Moving Through Time
Exploring the Science, Possibilities, and Challenges Behind Traversing Temporal Dimensions Introduction Time travel has fascinated humans for centuries. From mythological accounts of gods manipulating time to the modern portrayal of time machines in science fiction, the concept of moving through time has captivated our imagination. But beyond fiction, time travel holds a deeper allure—its […]
NASA powers up Artemis 2 Orion spacecraft ahead of 2024 moon mission
The Orion spacecraft, which is part of NASA’s Artemis 2 mission planned for 2024, has successfully completed its first power-on test. This spacecraft will carry astronauts Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, Christina Koch, and Jeremy Hansen from the Canadian Space Agency on a journey around the moon, marking the first human lunar mission in over half […]
Asteroids in the solar system could contain undiscovered, superheavy elements
The pursuit of discovering new elements has been a significant scientific endeavor for centuries, and recent advancements have enabled scientists to create superheavy elements with up to 118 protons. These elements are generally unstable due to the electromagnetic repulsion between protons overpowering the nuclear force that holds the nucleus together. However, there is a predicted […]
Exploring the Energies Behind Artificial Black Hole Propulsion and Faster-Than-Light Travel
Understanding the Theoretical Forces Needed to Create Artificial Black Holes to Travewl Beyond the Speed of Light Creating an artificial black hole capable of faster-than-light (FTL) travel is a concept that straddles the realms of theoretical physics and speculative science fiction. While current scientific understanding prohibits any object with mass from exceeding the speed […]
Scientists prepare message to beam into space but say humanity won’t survive to hear it – Daily Star
Scientists are currently preparing to send a message to space with the hope that they will be able to contact aliens. The message is going to be sent to a cluster of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy which sits between 6,500 and 19,500 light years away from Earth. The experiment is trying to […]
Decoding UFO Movements: The Role of Artificial Gravity in Unexplained Phenomena
How Advanced Gravity Manipulation Could Explain the Extraordinary Maneuvers and Behaviors of UFOs Artificial gravity, a concept tied to the manipulation of gravitational fields, provides a compelling framework to explain many of the extraordinary physical behaviors observed in UFO sightings. By understanding how advanced technologies could generate or manipulate gravity, we can hypothesize mechanisms […]
The Weather On Titan: Windy With A Chance Of Methane Mist
In 2005, the European Space Agency’s Huygens probe landed on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, and sent back images of a landscape shaped by forces similar to those on Earth. However, unlike Earth where water shapes the surface, on Titan, where the temperature is -179 degrees Centigrade, it is methane that shapes the surface. Methane exists […]
Artificial Intelligence and Gravity: Revolutionizing Interstellar Navigation
How AI and Gravity Manipulation Could Unlock the Secrets of UFO Propulsion and Faster-Than-Light Travel The idea of using artificial intelligence (AI) to navigate to the stars by triangulating artificial gravity, as allegedly described by Bob Lazar in his experiences at S4 near Area 51, is a fascinating intersection of advanced technology and speculative […]
1st black hole imaged by humanity is confirmed to be spinning, study finds
Scientists have confirmed that the supermassive black hole M87*, which is located in the heart of the Messier 87 galaxy about 55 million light-years away from Earth, is spinning. This black hole became famous in 2019 when it was the first to be imaged, appearing as a fuzzy orange donut which was later sharpened by […]