Computers have been able to simulate situations that explain why exoplanets are either super earths or mini Neptunes, and why there really isn’t much in between. These studies support something called the migration model. In the migration model, there are chains of exoplanets with similar sizes, with near resonant orbits. One issue that occurs in […]
Taming Gravity is all about the possibility through science and technology to harness gravity. If we accomplish this we will then have the means to travel to the stars.
Of course, to do this we will need to know a little bit about astronomy.
So, here at Taming Gravity we include inspiring news and breakthroughs happening in the field of astronomy.
The James Webb Telescope can help astronomers spot alien life
The James Webb Space Telescope will enable researchers to measure the chemical makeup of atmospheres of planets around distant stars, possibly detecting signatures of chemical life. Astro-biologists study how starlight has interacted with the atmosphere or surface of a planet. Light bouncing off a surface or passing through a gas will have certain wavelengths trapped. […]
Pentagon space chief condemns ‘irresponsible’ launch of Russian inspector satellite
The Pentagon has made a statement concerning the launch of a satellite by Russia that is believed to be following an American satellite in the same orbit. According to a Netherland’s based satellite tracker, the Russian satellite is mirroring the satellite from the US. According to US General James H. Dickerson, that is not responsible […]
Amalthea: Jupiter’s unusual inner moon
Amalthea is a mysterious and irregularly shaped inner moon of the planet Jupiter. It was actually the first one that was discovered after the four Galilean moons were found, and is currently the fifth largest. Amalthea is Jupiter’s third moon and takes just 12 hours to make a full orbit around. Amalthea was found on […]
30 exocomets found orbiting star in nearby planetary system
There have been 30 exocomets found in the solar system that are orbiting the star called Beta Pictoris. This star was found 40 years ago and is surrounded by a debris disk that is made from gas and dust. Beta Pictoris is just 20 million years old which is very young when it comes to […]
Hubble Find Provides Key to Early Supermassive Black Holes
Hubble is one of the greatest sources of our cosmic knowledge. This powerful telescope is enabling us to spot different object and landscape on distant celestial bodies, giving us better understanding of mechanisms that govern the space. One of the newest pieces of information could potentially shed some new light of the creation of black […]
New stunning images show the James Webb Space Telescope’s fully aligned optics
NASA has just announced that they have finally finished the optics alignment on the 10 billion dollar James Webb Space Telescope. This is a huge step when it comes to having an observatory that is infrared and fully functioning. The agency talked about how the observatory will be capable of capturing well focused images with […]
Saturn’s weird moon Titan looks a bit like Earth, and scientists might finally know why
Titan is a moon on Saturn that looks a little bit like Earth and scientists have finally gotten a hypothesis as to why. When it comes to Titan, instead of having a majority of water like Earth, they are made of liquid methane. The theory that the scientists came up with is that sintering, wind […]
International Astronomical Union launches new center to fight satellite megaconstellation threat
In response to the threat of satellite mega-constellations, the IAU has launched the Center for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference. Observatories are seeing their work threatened by satellite interference, which is now a bigger problem than urban light pollution. Soon there will be over 5,000 satellites above the […]
Epsilon Algorithms to Search for Life as We Don’t Know It to Cosmic Ruins at Milky Way’s Edge (The Galaxy Report)
There is a new strategy that a few people at the California Institute of Technology are trying to implement to make it much easier for us to possibly detect life outside our system. This is called an Epsilon machine. Another possibility is that the James Webb telescope will give us some sort of insight of […]