A brilliant flash of light, one of the brightest blue bursts in the universe, was detected in the space between two galaxies over 3 billion light-years away. This rare astronomical event, known as a luminous fast blue optical transient (LFBOT), lasted only a few days. The first LFBOT, discovered in 2018, was up to 100 […]

Taming Gravity is all about the possibility through science and technology to harness gravity. If we accomplish this we will then have the means to travel to the stars.
Of course, to do this we will need to know a little bit about astronomy.
So, here at Taming Gravity we include inspiring news and breakthroughs happening in the field of astronomy.
NASA scientists push for a treaty to tackle risky ‘space junk’
NASA scientists and other experts are calling for a legally binding treaty to manage “space junk” and protect Earth’s orbit. The space around our planet is increasingly crowded, with over 9,000 satellites in orbit today and projections that this number could rise to 75,000 by 2030. Disused satellites and their fragments pose a threat to […]
Astronomers capture radio signal from ancient galaxy at record-breaking distance
Astronomers have detected a radio signal from the most distant galaxy yet, using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope in India. The signal was detected at a wavelength known as the “21-centimeter line” or the “hydrogen line,” which is emitted by neutral hydrogen atoms. This detection could mean astronomers are ready to begin investigating the formation […]
A comet coming in 2024 could outshine the stars – if we’re lucky
A newly discovered comet, C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS), might light up the skies in the fall of 2024. The comet was initially thought to be an asteroid when it was discovered by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) in South Africa in February 2023. However, images captured later revealed a condensed coma and short tail, […]
Watch a 180-year-old star eruption unfold in new time-lapse movie (video)
Astronomers have created a video using over two decades of data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, revealing the expansion of a stellar eruption that occurred around 180 years ago. The eruption, known as Eta Carinae, involves a star system containing two massive stars. The explosion, referred to as the “Great Eruption,” is thought to have […]
Scientists prepare message to beam into space but say humanity won’t survive to hear it – Daily Star
Scientists are currently preparing to send a message to space with the hope that they will be able to contact aliens. The message is going to be sent to a cluster of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy which sits between 6,500 and 19,500 light years away from Earth. The experiment is trying to […]
Wrinkles left over from the Big Bang may have magnetized the universe
Cosmic strings are wrinkles in the space-time continuum that are left over from the original big bang. These cosmic strings travel, and new research suggests that they leave magnetic fields behind. These magnetic fields then essentially magnetize galaxies. It is believed that almost every substantial object in the universe has some type of magnetic field. […]
James Webb Space Telescope peers into lonely dwarf galaxy with sparkling results
The James Webb Space Telescope is currently the most powerful telescope in operation in the world. The JWST has been able to zoom in on the Wolf–Lundmark–Melotte galaxy, a dwarf galaxy located in the constellation of Celus. According to Rutgers astronomer Kristen McQuinn, the evidence gathered from the JWST shows that the WLM probably has […]
‘Planet killer’ asteroids – could we one day miss one that’s heading our way ?
Information has come out about a potentially dangerous, planet killer asteroid, that has been named 2022 AP7. Even though it has been called a planet killer, it has also been noted that it doesn’t pose any immediate threat to Earth. This asteroid actually orbits our sun every 5 years, and crosses our orbit when the […]
Vaporized asteroids suggest planets and stars form at the same time
Since we can’t go back in time to see how our solar system was created, we have to study other stars to try and piece it together. It has recently been discovered that stars and planets actually form at the same time. WE have known how planets form, but the question has been about when […]