Dr. Ning Li Offers a Solution to Taming Gravity! She calls it A/C Gravity! (Original Conference Video) Dr. Ning Li speaks about her concept of A/C Gravity (alternate current gravity) or Taming Gravity at the ISDC or “The National Space Society’s 16th annual International Space Development Conference”. It was held May 22-26, 1997 in Orlando, […]

Archived articles from various publications covering informative scientific or other research that may have to do with breakthroughs in science and technologies approaching the Taming of Gravity.
Archive: “Taming Gravity” By Jim Wilson – Popular Mechanics
Taming Gravity By Jim Wilson Popular Mechanics Photo by Phillip Gentry Ever since electricity was tamed in the 19th century, the idea of manipulating gravity by altering an electromagnetic field has been the subject of intriguing experiments and occasional bursts of irrational exuberance. Physicists insist that because gravity is a basic force of nature, constructing […]
Archive: “Zero Gravity – Antigravity devices” – By Corey S. Powell – Discover
By Corey S. Powell Discover, May 1999 New schemes to float free aren’t just science fiction In her laboratory at the University of Alabama, Ning Li tinkers time and again with a device she believes will transform the world. Tanks of liquid nitrogen and a clumsy array of plumbing surround a chamber in which the […]