Are we ready for the taming of gravity?
Taming Gravity is an attempt to bring the focus of something that we’re all interested in – the possibility of taming gravity and more important it’s consequences like Interstellar Travel – around to where it should be, on the science and possible technologies and not the superstitions.
Sightings are nice if you’re the one seeing it but how many YouTube sightings can you view before you feel like leaving your last meal on it.
The inspiration has to be in discovering how anything possibly visiting our world does it! And more important how we may do it!
And there are scientist right here on planet Earth that have a lot to contribute to the understanding of how this may be done.
This is where we want to put our attention.
Plus, lets not be blinded by the inspiration that the technologies involved may seem to solve many ecological problems facing us today when these technologies themselves may have there own unforeseen ecological problems that need to be addressed first before we could ever use such technologies safely.
So, taming gravity (or science and technologies of) is:
- A very interesting topic that we’re increasingly and inevitably encroaching upon.
- A very serious topic and possible technology that has to made safe before we ever approach using it.
In other words we can not in any way be blinded by the glitter of such promising technologies without first understand how to make any such technologies safe for human consumption!
Is Taming Gravity safe?
~Comments always welcome…
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