Unraveling the Cosmic Veil: A Journey Beyond Mainstream Narratives In the ever-evolving quest for truth, Corey Goode’s secret space program claims have not only ignited public curiosity but also sparked intense debates across various platforms. The recent article on Taming Gravity, “As Corey Goode Secret Space Program Claims go Viral Critics Step up Attacks,” […]
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The Scary Truth. Government lie to us
Fearing for the future of the United States, former Canadian Minister of National Defense Paul Hellyer considers inside threats to the United States from within by summarizing his book “Money Mafia.” After seven decades of conspiracy, he argues for a connection between Operation Paperclip, UFOs, and an undemocratic group that controls ideas, technology, and money […]
The Future of Space Travel: Fusion Engines, Warp Drives, and Wormholes
The future of space travel is a very bright one. In the future, there could be some really interesting ways that we get around the galaxy. The laws of physics set some constraints on what we can and cannot do. But that does not change the fact that we will be able to do some […]
Quantum Gravity and Gravitons: The Search for a Theory of Everything
In this descriptive analysis of Quantum gravity and gravitations, Mr. Dave explains how fermions and bosons work in our universe while providing an accurate description of Quantum theory and General relativity theory. And while both theories would theoretically work hand in hand, they do not seem to be compatible. The video does a phenomenal job […]
Paul LaViolette – Electrogravitics & UFO propulsion
Electrogravitics and UFO propulsion are two very complex matters. There are many testimonies from people and it had to do with the Disclosure Project. The clean free renewable energy field is a very important one and will be vital to our future on this planet. There is a lot of valuable information in the Disclosure […]
Do Events Inside Black Holes Happen? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios
How often do you look up at space and you think about black holes and you are gripped by fear? Well, fear not. Black holes aren’t what we all have been taught through the movies. And we most likely will not encounter one anytime soon. They are actually a place of a lack of light […]
An interview with the author of UFOs Today – 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-Up
An interview with Irina McCammon Scott PhD., author of “UFOs Today” UFO’s are one of the biggest mysteries that this planet has. Everyone wants to know about them and if there are any cover ups for some reason. One man who is very close to this subject talks about the 70 years of lies and […]
What Did Cassini Teach Us?
Saturn is a very crazy and ringed world and it is different than any other place people have seen. If you look in a small telescope, then you can see the rings of it and everything. To really understand and appreciate it, you need to visit it. Thanks to the Cassini spacecraft that is what […]
Scary Grey Alien Abduction Case
A narrated collection of narrative, testimony, and unverified research, the viewer encounters first the curious case of a possible alien encounter between a couple in New Hampshire and a mysterious sighting of lights. As the video continues to present and illustrate potential encounters with beings from another world that possibly study and experiment on humans, […]
What Lies at the Center of the Universe?
The question is posed, what is the at the center of the Univers Several different potential answers are offered. The first is Earth. The reason given is that this would be the center of the observable universe, in other words observed by humans from their perspective on Earth. The second potential answer is the center […]