Spacecraft missions that we are sending to Mars provide great insight in the conditions that reign on this planet, and the way it was created. Recently, a rock that was identified on the planet points out that the landscape on Mars was significantly affected by volcanoes. Series of violent eruptions resulted in ashy material, one […]
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Our Efforts to Find Alien Life Have Gone Nowhere. This New Strategy Could Change That.
The human race has failed in its quest to find alien life, however, a new study has revealed that new technology could help us. This new technology could help direct our attention to where alien life exists outside of Earth. The technology is called S.E.T.I. and it could be the key to helping us find […]
Saturn’s weird moon Titan looks a bit like Earth, and scientists might finally know why
Titan is a moon on Saturn that looks a little bit like Earth and scientists have finally gotten a hypothesis as to why. When it comes to Titan, instead of having a majority of water like Earth, they are made of liquid methane. The theory that the scientists came up with is that sintering, wind […]
A Fully Aligned Webb Space Telescope Sees a Field of Stars
The web telescope is almost up and running, and soon it will be seeking out exoplanets that may be habitable for humans. Already, here are some pretty fantastic test images from the telescope to check out. With the mirrors fully aligned, the telescope is ready to start receiving light from the far edges of the […]
Astrophysicists may be on the brink of a massive alien breakthrough
Through the use of technosignatures, such as atmospheric pollution, radio signals, and spacecraft activity, scientists could make connections to an alien civilization far from Earth. Compared to biological clues, technological clues can be considered more common and easier to detect. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University have found that the search for intelligent life in other […]
Blasting out Earth’s location with the hope of reaching aliens is a controversial idea – two teams of scientists are doing it anyway
While it is a controversial idea, there are two teams of scientists that are sending Earth’s location out into space with the goal of getting into contact with aliens. Astronomers and scientists believe that there are potentially up to 300 million different habitable worlds in the Milky Way. They also believe there is a pretty […]
Two teams of scientists are preparing to send a message to aliens
There are two different teams out there that are currently preparing to send a message to aliens who might be out there in space. The messages are going to be sent by the largest radio telescope in the world. The telescope has a diameter of 1,640 feet and sends radio pulses over the sky. The […]
Scientists prepare message to beam into space but say humanity won’t survive to hear it – Daily Star
Scientists are currently preparing to send a message to space with the hope that they will be able to contact aliens. The message is going to be sent to a cluster of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy which sits between 6,500 and 19,500 light years away from Earth. The experiment is trying to answer […]
Space flight changes first-timer’s brains, but not veterans
There has been a bunch of research done Juan Piantino who works at the OHSU School of Medicine about how a space flight can change someone’s brain. The research of this study dealt with looking at images of 15 different astronauts brains before and after they went on a tour of the International Space Station. […]
Our Galaxy Is on a Collision Course. And It’s Not the First Time
Taking place in the next few billion years is a cosmic event that will change all that are still living within the two galaxies. The Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy are on a collision course that will take millions of years to complete. It will start around 2 billion years from now. There […]