Astronomers from the Max Planck Institute in Germany have discovered the “poor old heart of the Milky Way” – faint stars that were present when our galaxy was young, deep in the galaxy’s core. The team used data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission and the LAMOST and APOGEE surveys to identify these ancient […]
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Aliens May Be Waiting For Cosmic Version Of ‘High Noon’ To Send Signals To Earth …
Scientists have suggested that extraterrestrial life forms may choose to communicate with Earth during moments when their planets pass directly in front of their suns, a phenomenon known as an exoplanetary transit. This theory is based on the predictability and repetitiveness of these transits, making them an ideal time for sending and receiving signals. While […]
James Webb Space Telescope finds water and methane in atmosphere of a ‘warm Jupiter’
The James Webb Space Telescope has made a significant discovery of methane and water vapor in the atmosphere of WASP-80b, a Jupiter-like exoplanet located 163 light-years away. This detection is notable because, while water vapor has been found in a handful of exoplanetary atmospheres, methane detection using space-based spectroscopy is much less common. The discovery, […]
What is astrobiology?
Astrobiology is a multidisciplinary scientific field that studies the possibility of life in the universe, including how life emerged on Earth. It involves the search for life beyond Earth, studying environments that could support life, and investigating interactions between planets and their stars. Astrobiologists, who may be experts in biology, astronomy, chemistry, and other fields, […]
Newfound alien planet has nuclear fusion going in its core
An international team of scientists has discovered a new exoplanet, HD 206893 c, using data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia spacecraft. The exoplanet, which is roughly 13 times the mass of Jupiter, was found orbiting the star HD 206893, about 130 light-years from Earth. The team also used the GRAVITY instrument on the Very […]
What’s Coming in 2023: Global Revolution & SSP/ET Disclosure
Secret agreements have been made between an Earth Alliance of space-faring nations and extraterrestrial organizations, with major disclosures about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life expected in 2023. These disclosures are part of a plan to accelerate official acknowledgment of these phenomena. Insiders also suggest that ancient underground civilizations will begin to reveal themselves in […]
3.3 billion Milky Way objects revealed by colossal astronomical survey
A new survey of the Milky Way’s galactic plane has identified 3.32 billion cosmic objects. The survey, which is believed to be the largest of its kind, was conducted using the Dark Energy Camera at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. The catalog took two years to complete and produced over 10 terabytes […]
Astronomers weighed our Milky Way, and it’s lighter than expected
Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), the ultra-short, bright flashes of radio waves that occur daily across the sky, have been a mystery to scientists for over a decade. However, new observations could help astronomers learn more about our galaxy. A team of astronomers from Caltech used an FRB to measure the mass of the Milky Way, […]
A comet impact may have paved the way for human civilization
A comet strike around 13,000 years ago may have significantly influenced the course of human civilization, according to the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis. The comet strike is believed to have caused a global cooling event and the extinction of numerous large animal species. This theory, which became mainstream in 2007, is supported by evidence found […]
New official US government UFO report released, and sightings are way up
The United States’ Office of the Director of National Intelligence has released its 2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs). The report reveals that there have been 366 additional UAP reports since the 2021 Annual Report, which had recorded 144 instances over the previous 17 years. Of these new reports, 26 were identified as […]