It almost seems that terrorism and counter-terrorism measures trade blows continuously. As we consider the arena where this happens, we inevitable have to start thinking about this battle happening in space. After all, the idea that terrorists can attack us from the space is not that far-fetched, considering the technological advances and the increasing complexity […]

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Congress quietly wants to create a new UFO office – Inverse
Recently published report documenting sightings of objects on our skies that the government has no explanations for, sparked a lot of interest among general public. Politicians paid attention too and now there is an initiative aiming to create a new agency that will specifically look into these occurrences. This is the result of increased […]
A New Nikola Tesla? Engineer Devises “UFO Patents” for the US Navy
Interesting thing about patents is that vast majority of them are never actually implemented. Some of these patents spark a lot of interest throughout the scientific and engineering world. Even though many are proven to be feasible, the inventors behind these patents gain the status of scientific celebrities. However, even the far-fetched patents can draw […]
How Would Humans Decompose on Mars?
There is no doubt that Mars is a prime candidate when it comes to the list of planets where humans may expand to and live on. We are learning more and more about it, and there’s a number of spacecrafts that are on their way towards this planet in order to keep gathering the scientific […]
Congressman Wants to ‘Professionalize’ the Pentagon’s Search for a UFO Explanation – PJ Media
Recently published records that were formerly classified documented all the unexplained sightings on American skies sparked a lot of public interest in the topic. Now, there’s a push in the Congress to make the research of the unidentified objects even more professional. Some members think that the current agencies conducting these inquiries are not as […]
Shatner space trip confirmed for October 12th (or 13th)
In this era of commercial space flights, it was just a matter of time before some of the space movies and series actors take the trip themselves. This is going to happen later this month, when captain Kirk takes the flight aboard Amazon’s craft. The actor is 90 years old and, if the flight proceeds […]
Viewpoint: Rising Above the Quantum Noise
Quantum level mechanisms of physics are still largely based on theoretical modelling, but they still give a lot of hope that they can be put in practice. Photosynthesis is a process that people try to replicate on a molecular level in devices that are engineered. The idea is now over a hundred years old, but […]
Former USAF Officers Have Evidence of UFOs Tampering with Nuclear Weapons and Want Public Congressional Hearings.
There is a growing movement aiming to declassify all the documents dealing with extraterrestrial life and its knowledge of our world. Of particular concern is their ability to interfere with nuclear arsenal and this topic will be the subject of the meeting with the press next week in Washington. Group of retired military personnel claims […]
Exploring Alien Planets: New Cereal Box-Sized Spacecraft Has Mighty Goals
Looking for life on other planets and far away stars is an ambitious project, but it starts with smaller goals of exploring closer celestial bodies. With technological and scientific advancements, these more achievable tasks can be undertaken by organizations that are not necessarily as big as NASA. Many academic institutions entered this arena and their […]
What to make of the intelligence community’s unclassified report on UFOs – Yahoo News
For people interested in unidentified flying object and other phenomena in the skies, this summer brought one of the biggest developments in decades. US government revealed the report in which it documented many sightings experienced by the service members and pilots. Only one of these have a full explanation, and more than 80 of these […]