Space junk has become an increased danger to spacecraft seeing as there is over 7500 tons of it orbiting the earth as we speak. Space junk can be anything from old satellites, parts of old spacecrafts, and odd nuts and bolts from larger pieces that have broken up over time. Scientists in the European Union […]

Taming Gravity news on articles and posts supporting the idea that gravity can be tamed.
Michio KaKu – Current News
The City University of New York discusses how the world of science impacts society every week. This week: there is fear of nuclear confrontation from North Korea, the up-and-coming eclipse has been actively sparking interest nationwide, and some facts still unknown about the sun such as coronal mass discharges are explored. Classified reports from the […]
Wormholes and Space-Time Bridges
Blackholes and wormholes are natural occurrences in space that humans have come to understand through math. Blackholes are created with an intense power of gravity at its center. To an object moving into a blackhole the force of gravity would feel very intense, however to an observer the object would approach a blackhole and eventually […]
Googolplex and Quantum Twins
I believe the purpose of the video is to express the idea of a quantum twin. It opens on a brief summary of what exactly a googolplex is. A googolplex is commonly used term in quantum mechanics, and is ten to the tenth power to the hundredth power. It’s a number that exceeds the number […]
Solar Eclipse 101 | National Geographic
There are four types of eclipses. The most sought after is the total eclipse. This occurs when the new moon completely covers the sun. There are precautions that need to be taken when viewing a total eclipse. You can not look directly at a total eclipse without eye protection as it can permanently damage your […]
Huge crop circle draws visitors – Farmer asking £2 donations to cover cost
Fifteen days ago, in Wiltshire, UK, a farmer discovered a very strange and decimating sight: a massive crop circle carved into her wheat field. The giant intricately designed circle covers a two-hundred-foot area in the near center of the field, and has managed to decimate eight tones of essential grains. Once she contacted the local […]
Crashing Into Saturn: This Cassini Mission Is the Most Epic Yet | Short Film Showcase
This short film shows a study of Saturn which is the sixth planet in the solar system. People like it because of its lovely rings. It is a gas planet. The rings are made of ice, dust, and other space junk but they are pretty. Saturn also has at least one moon which could be […]
Roswell conspiracy theory ‘expert’ claims UFO crash DID happen… and says a leaked US government document she’s seen proves it
If you’d like to take a step back from the harsh realities of the world in which we live with the political strife, racial tensions, and ‘us vs them’ mentality with the police and find something that can bring us all together, look no further. The ultimate ‘us vs them’ is being discussed again, and […]
Made in Space: 3-D Printing Could Change the Way Astronauts Travel | Short Film Showcase
3-D printing can change the way that astronauts travel. Everything that we put into space came from our planet. The minute that we can manufacture things from space, the whole game will be changed. We tend to think of billionaires and rich people being the people that influence our progress, but it is not like […]
Disclosure OR Unacknowledged; Which Will It Be!
The video is about Dr. Steven Greer’s recent movie called, “Unacknowledged.” It’s a documentary that documents the lies and the cover ups by the FBI about, “Flying Saucers” and “E.T. visitations.” The documentary works to expose the truth about what they are hiding and there are documents and proof that “Extra Terrestrial” beings exist. It […]