The Bob Lazar Story and Zeta Reticuli Aliens
Bob Lazar brought the world to Area 51 and its infamous Zeta Reticuli Alien technology back engineering program at S4 area.
Most everyone has heard of Bob Lazar and his story of having working at a above top secret black budget back engineering Zeta Reticuli Alien technology at S4 located 15 miles off of Area 51. If you haven’t then if you have any interest in the UFO subject then you should get yourself familiar with him and his story. This story was the first of its kind and blue the lid off of all above top secret black budget projects having to do with back engineering Alien technology.
This video covers his story a number of years after he first went public. In it Bob covers the original story plus includes a few new details filling out the original story making it a little more complete. In it he talks of alien autopsies, how to access the craft, how it makes its own gravity and how this artificial gravity affects its occupants, etc.
Key Takeaways:
- The Sport model that he allegedly worked on came from Aliens living on Zeta Reticuli binary star system about 30 light years away
- The alien autopsy giving insight to the alien anatomy
- Iterations with aliens that lived at the area
- More description of the other crafts there
- How the hatch to access the craft works (very interesting)
- How the gravity amplifiers work making its own gravity wave like earth does and how it travels using this amplification
- What this gravity wave means for the occupants of the craft
- It’s not propulsion it is falling under its own gravity
- Alien intervention into our gnome evolution
- Bob Lazar’s regrets
- Vehicles not at S4 anymore
“Government should choose more qualified scientists to work on it, turn it over to the entire scientific community of the world”
~Comments always welcome…
Relevant Content:
- Engineering Taming Gravity
- Taming Gravity (YouTube Channel)
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