The Bob Lazar Story and Zeta Reticuli Aliens Bob Lazar brought the world to Area 51 and its infamous Zeta Reticuli Alien technology back engineering program at S4 area. Most everyone has heard of Bob Lazar and his story of having working at a above top secret black budget back engineering Zeta Reticuli Alien technology […]
Jack Garman, Whose Judgment Call Saved Moon Landing, Dies at 72
When we think of the moments that make history, we think of the people who were in the spotlight. It is too easy to overlook those in the background who also made the event possible. Such is the case of Jack Garman, who was an engineer for NASA in 1969 when the U.S. made its […]
Is “Taming Gravity” Safe?
Are we ready for the taming of gravity? Taming Gravity is an attempt to bring the focus of something that we’re all interested in – the possibility of taming gravity and more important it’s consequences like Interstellar Travel – around to where it should be, on the science and possible technologies and not the superstitions. […]
UFO Hunters: Unspoken Secrets of Area 51 (S2, E13) | Full Episode | History
The Universe is full of mysteries. In the grand scope of things, are we truly alone? Many would argue that we’ve been visited by extraterrestrials in the past. Some would even argue that aliens walk amongst us. Over the years countless pieces of UFO evidence have made their way to the surface and it’s about […]
UFO 2016 – The Vatican on Alien Life
The universe is very big and the prospect of life being there is very large. There are billions of planets and stars in the solar system. Life could evolve in many different ways across the universe. The pope has many astronomers that are around him. People wonder about this. There is a lot of history […]
Dr. Steven Greer – A Call for FREE ENERGY technologies
Dr. Steven Greer has made a special announcement in 2016. The announcement is a campaign that will end the secrecy around UFO’s and free energy devices. Top secret special access projects are the main focus of this campaign. This will end all of the illegal things going on and help people out for a brighter […]
UFOs & Aliens – Peter Robins LIVE HD FEATURE
Author and Researcher Peter Robins puts to rest many preconceived beliefs about the impact of UFOs and Aliens portrayed in advertising as part of a plan to prepare society for full disclosure that UFOs are real. Paralleling the past few decades of UFO reports, incidents and alien abduction accounts, UFOs and aliens have had a […]
In Spring 2008 the Ministry of Defense began the process of releasing its entire archive of UFO files. The files cover a wide variety of areas, ranging from policy and UFO sighting reports, through to public correspondence and the way the subject is handled when raised in parliament or covered in the media. Key Takeaways: […]
Jill Tarter – Why aren’t Aliens Already Here?
If there are billions of galaxies and planets to be accounted for in the universe, why would aliens not already visit our planet and why would they not be here? Jill Tarter, an expert, discusses why it might be conceivable that aliens must already be among us. It just makes sense. Key Takeaways: If there […]
George Smoot – Why does Dark Matter Really Matter?
What is dark matter and why does it matter to us? George Smoot, an expert, discusses the use of this matter and its importance to us in earth. This mass makes up one quarter of all the mass energy in the universe and is the glue that allows the universe to be held together. Key […]