Our Science and Technological Breakthroughs May Be Forcing the Pentagon to Disclose UFOs Exist! I am not talking about the recent Pentagon Report for the Senate. I am talking about Black Budget programs having to deal with our own planet’s indigenous evolution in science and technologies forcing their hand to start their own disclosure. Let […]

ISDC 1997 – Gravity Modification (1997 Conference)
Dr. Ning Li Offers a Solution to Taming Gravity! She calls it A/C Gravity! (Original Conference Video) Dr. Ning Li speaks about her concept of A/C Gravity (alternate current gravity) or Taming Gravity at the ISDC or “The National Space Society’s 16th annual International Space Development Conference”. It was held May 22-26, 1997 in Orlando, […]
Navy pilots describe encounters with UFOs (60 Minutes) 2021
60 Minutes Offers Up the Latest on the Tic Tac – UFO Phenomena! The US Senate Intelligence Committee wants a report by next month – June 2021. The Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense are to deliver a report on the mysterious sittings informing the intelligence Committee what they think they are. […]
Luis Elizondo: Why is the government finally admitting UFOs are real, and why should we pay attention?
“Pilots Spotting UFOs Almost Daily for Two Years!” The US Navy USS Nimitz leaps from the Movie screen into the surreal. In the 1980’s movie “Final Countdown” the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier is mysteriously transported back in time to the World War II. And as quickly as it appears in the past it as quickly […]
Martian Evolution | Space Time
What would evolution on Mars look like? Say we colonize other planets, over time what would happen to us? Dr. Matt O’Dowd of PBS Space-Time (a YouTube Channel) explains that we can expect that any differences what so ever, will affect how we turn out. The first planet we will have this experience on will […]
The Definition and History of False Flags UFOHUB interviews Richard Dolan a Historic Writer who caught the UFO bug about 25 years ago. Since then, Richard Dolan has applied his research and writing skills to the history of the UFO subject. One of the main aspects of this subject are the conspiracies of Government secrecy, […]
Project Greenglow and the battle with gravity
Project Greenglow Leads to More Promising Ideas of Gravity Control This BBC News article on Project Greenglow is also covered in the BBC Horizon TV Show Series 52 episode 2 titled “Project Greenglow: The Quest for Gravity Control (2016)”. Project Greenglow was a project financed by an Aerospace company and spearheaded by Dr. Ron Evans […]
The (Uncensored) Bentwaters Incident: Security Officer Larry Warren
Uncensored Bentwaters Incident Interview Offers Details You Never Knew About! Security Officer Larry Warren was there serving in the US Military forces doing his duty when the totally unexpected happened. While serving at the US base at Bentwaters England Security Officer Larry Warren had a close encounter of the third kind causing him to also […]
Taming Gravity Followup
“It could change everything.” Dr. Ning Li said this in response to the Discover magazine interviewer about her prototyped A/C Gravity disk back in 1999, 20 years ago! So what has happened to Dr. Ning Li and her research on artificially making gravity since then? This is a follow-up to the Taming Gravity Review regarding the work of […]
I-Team: Secret UFO program recorded encounters with unknown objects
Nevada’s I-Team just aired a news release on last year’s disclosure of Pentagon secret UFO videos. Apparently, there are more secret UFO videos going to be released in the next few months. George Knapp of Nevada’s I-Team interviews Luis Elizondo a former Pentagon Intelligence agent that has been willing to go public to release declassified […]