Eric Hecker, a former Raytheon contractor and whistleblower, claims that Raytheon has the technology to produce earthquakes globally. He spent a year in Antarctica at the South Pole station as a tradesman and firefighter, where he had access to all areas of the facility. Hecker also alleges that he was part of a team that […]
DC Long – Army Combat Vet’s Mysterious UFO Encounter in Underground Military Base | SRS #66 (Part 2)
In a recent episode of a UFO whistleblower series, DC Long, an army combat veteran, shared his experience with a mysterious hovering monolithic structure in an underground facility on an army base. Long served in the U.S. Army at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, from 1997 to 2013 and was medically retired due to injuries from […]
NASA and Congress investigate 2000 mysterious Maryland UFO sightings
NASA and Congress are investigating a series of 2,000 unexplained UFO sightings in Maryland. The unusual frequency and number of these sightings have sparked curiosity and concern among officials and the public. This investigation is a part of a broader effort to understand and explain the nature of these unidentified flying objects. The results of […]
Massive Star Formation Displays Self-Control
New observations of a stellar nursery suggest that star formation is self-regulated, resolving discrepancies between simulated and observed efficiencies of star formation. Young, massive stars inject energy into their surroundings, disrupting star formation by shredding the surrounding medium and encouraging it by collecting dense gas shells that are prone to gravitational collapse. However, these new […]
10 reasons to take UFOs seriously | The Hill
Military pilots have frequently reported encounters with unidentified flying objects (UFOs) exhibiting flight dynamics that defy the laws of physics. Since these encounters became public, over 500 additional UFO incidents have been reported, some demonstrating highly advanced technology. In 2019, the U.S. Navy instituted a formal UFO reporting mechanism, leading to 510 UFO encounters […]
Milky Way’s ‘poor old heart’ could reveal how our galaxy formed
Astronomers from the Max Planck Institute in Germany have discovered the “poor old heart of the Milky Way” – faint stars that were present when our galaxy was young, deep in the galaxy’s core. The team used data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission and the LAMOST and APOGEE surveys to identify these ancient […]
Aliens May Be Waiting For Cosmic Version Of ‘High Noon’ To Send Signals To Earth …
Scientists have suggested that extraterrestrial life forms may choose to communicate with Earth during moments when their planets pass directly in front of their suns, a phenomenon known as an exoplanetary transit. This theory is based on the predictability and repetitiveness of these transits, making them an ideal time for sending and receiving signals. While […]
James Webb Space Telescope finds water and methane in atmosphere of a ‘warm Jupiter’
The James Webb Space Telescope has made a significant discovery of methane and water vapor in the atmosphere of WASP-80b, a Jupiter-like exoplanet located 163 light-years away. This detection is notable because, while water vapor has been found in a handful of exoplanetary atmospheres, methane detection using space-based spectroscopy is much less common. The discovery, […]
What is astrobiology?
Astrobiology is a multidisciplinary scientific field that studies the possibility of life in the universe, including how life emerged on Earth. It involves the search for life beyond Earth, studying environments that could support life, and investigating interactions between planets and their stars. Astrobiologists, who may be experts in biology, astronomy, chemistry, and other fields, […]
Newfound alien planet has nuclear fusion going in its core
An international team of scientists has discovered a new exoplanet, HD 206893 c, using data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia spacecraft. The exoplanet, which is roughly 13 times the mass of Jupiter, was found orbiting the star HD 206893, about 130 light-years from Earth. The team also used the GRAVITY instrument on the Very […]