In 2014 the United States Navy tracked what amounted to be a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) on the East Coast of the United States. To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science recently obtain a video of the event after it was declassified by the government. In the video, the Navy pilots are heard remarking […]

"UFOlogy is the array of subject matter and activities associated with an interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs). UFOs have been subject to various investigations over the years by governments, independent groups, and scientists."
You are considered a Ufologists if you have an interest in UFOlogy.
The Sad and Mysterious Death of Ufologist Mark McCandlish
Many people believe that the death of Mark McCandlish came at a very opportune time. He was not very old and was in good health. However, he had knowledge from working at Lockheed of aircrafts that are currently classified. He became a whistleblower after releasing this information. One of the things he was discussing was […]
Congress quietly wants to create a new UFO office – Inverse
Recently published report documenting sightings of objects on our skies that the government has no explanations for, sparked a lot of interest among general public. Politicians paid attention too and now there is an initiative aiming to create a new agency that will specifically look into these occurrences. This is the result of increased […]
Congressman Wants to ‘Professionalize’ the Pentagon’s Search for a UFO Explanation – PJ Media
Recently published records that were formerly classified documented all the unexplained sightings on American skies sparked a lot of public interest in the topic. Now, there’s a push in the Congress to make the research of the unidentified objects even more professional. Some members think that the current agencies conducting these inquiries are not as […]
Former USAF Officers Have Evidence of UFOs Tampering with Nuclear Weapons and Want Public Congressional Hearings.
There is a growing movement aiming to declassify all the documents dealing with extraterrestrial life and its knowledge of our world. Of particular concern is their ability to interfere with nuclear arsenal and this topic will be the subject of the meeting with the press next week in Washington. Group of retired military personnel claims […]
Has US Space Command received advanced tech from Galactic Federation?
DISCLAIMER on CURATED CONTENT: Here at Taming Gravity our interest is in finding the possible science instead of the obvious fiction behind the possibility of taming gravity or the UFO subject. The following is a curation of and article from The claims made here by this article are quite extreme. The only thing we […]
Reverse Engineered Alien Technology? by AlienScientist (Revisited)
What Powers a UFO? Here at Taming Gravity we are trying to find the science instead of the fiction behind the possibility of traveling to the stars or taming gravity. One individual in the UFO community Physicist Jeremy Rys; (alias, YouTuber “AlienScientist”) has consistently presenting genuine insights into how technology that can travel to the […]
National Geographic Documentary 2015 Alien Engineering NEW UFOs File
Even before the big disclosure by the US Navy back in 2017 many institutions were willing to dabble in the UFO subject. Why wouldn’t they? If there was enough of a public interest in the subject and it would bring ratings to an invested media institution like National Geographic’s they obviously we’re not going to […]
RD UFO Chronicles | The Forgotten 2002 DC UFO Encounter
UFO chronicler, Richard Dolan, put together his multi-part YouTube series Richard Dolan’s UFO Chronicles to shine a spotlight on a wealth of heretofore potentially forgotten, unreported, or underreported UFO sightings. One important sighting includes a 2002 sighting in the Washington DC area. The occurrence was not that long after the 9/11 attacks. The unusual flyover, […]
Larger Minority in U.S. Says Some UFOs Are Alien Spacecraft
The scientific community and our government largely refrain from classifying the sightings of unidentified flying objects. It is left to the general public to speculate on the nature of these events. The latest survey shows that the number of people believing that some extraterrestrial beings are behind these sightings has increased as compared to the […]