It is thought by some physicists that both the beginning and end of the universe might be the same thing. A cyclical universe model called “conformal cyclic cosmology” has been proposed by Roger Penrose, the 2020 Nobel Prize-winning physicist. According to this view, the Big Bang came about from nearly nothing at all. The conformal […]
The Echoes of Creation: What the Cosmic Microwave Background Tells Us
Introduction to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) What is the CMB? The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the residual thermal radiation from the Big Bang, the event that marked the beginning of the universe approximately 13.8 billion years ago. This radiation is a faint glow that fills the universe and can be detected in […]
Top 15 Stories of 2021 (The Galaxy Report)
There have been many stories involving space as of late due to the ever growing technology in the field. Some of the best stories to happen happened in 2021. One of the articles was asking if the universe is actually fractal. We see many patterns repeat themselves from quantum scale all the way to the […]
Astronomers Have Detected a Mysterious, Dusty Object Erratically Dimming Its Star
At around 2300 light years away we are seeing a star that has been dimmed by almost 75 percent. We believe that it is an exoplanet or some asteroid. The only problem is that it is too random for it to be either of those. One hypotheses is that is is dust from a planet […]
The Quest for FTL: How Close Are We to Faster-Than-Light Travel?
Introduction to Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Travel Defining FTL Travel Faster-Than-Light (FTL) travel refers to the theoretical concept of moving or transmitting information at speeds exceeding that of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second (186,282 miles per second). According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, as an object approaches the speed of […]
Will we soon rewrite textbooks on our place in the universe?
The more and more we learn about the universe, the less it feels like we know about it. We are getting closer and closer to see if there is life on other planets. It might not be aliens, but bacterial. UAPs are becoming more common place to see, whether it’s the military testing out classified […]
Mysterious Dusty Object Discovered by Astronomers Using NASA’s TESS Planet Hunter
In 2018 The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite also known as TESS was launched into space to look for exoplanets. After some time it was found that it found a dusty object that is dimming the sun it is orbiting by 75 percent. We do not know for certain what it is, but there are some […]
Living Among the Stars: The Science Behind Space Colonization
Introduction to Space Colonization Definition and Scope Space colonization refers to the establishment of permanent human habitats outside Earth. This concept encompasses a wide range of activities, including the construction of space stations, lunar bases, and settlements on other planets and celestial bodies. The scope of space colonization extends beyond mere exploration; it involves […]
10 Stories of Alien Abduction That Could Lead to the Military
Alien abductions are becoming more common place now and it could be a rise in aliens, or it could be because more and more people are using the internet to communicate with each other. There are some important people who are now coming out to do alien research. Col. John Alexander is one of the […]
This exoplanet has metal rain and 2,400C temperatures
Exoplanets are the term used to describe planets that orbit bodies other than our own sun. These celestial entities have temperatures that range to such phenomenal heights that the intense heat quite literally rips apart some of the molecules in their atmospheres. These uber-hot exoplanets are also sometimes called ultra-hot Jupiters, because they resemble the […]